Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Giant Water Beetle

Yesterday, we had found a giant water beetle outside our classroom door. We decided to catch it and see what is was!

All the kiddos had GREAT questions about it! We have written down their questions for when we have the naturalist, Katie, come to our classroom next week!

The kids are really interested in this little critter and are anxious to learn more about it! 

Unfortunately the little guy did not make it through the night last night, but that is not going to stop us from learning more about him! 

This morning we went down to the lake to explore and see what else we could find to learn about!

Yummy Pudding!

Our very own serving of pudding was made 
in our classroom yesterday!

With Miss Amanda having previous work experience at the University of Northern Iowa Child Development Center, she knows about these wonderful recipes for kids! I have attached the link to the UNI Center For Early Childhood Education in STEM so you can check out this recipe as well as many others that you can try at home with your little ones!

Each child took charge of their yummy creation and it was a hit!

Recipes that you can find at the above link:
Fruit Shakes
Scrambled Eggs

Painting on Tin Foil!

Painting on tin foil? Who has ever heard of such a thing?!

These kiddos had a blast making their own paint (fragrance conditioner and food coloring) to paint on their tin foil! They were able to share with their friends as well!

After this activity the room smelled great!